Arduino emulator mac tft
Arduino emulator mac tft

The MagSafe adapter in MacBooks and MacBook Pros is probably the greatest single advancement in laptop technology in the last 10 years. Continue reading “Viewing A Macintosh SE’s Video On A Modern Computer” → Posted in Mac Hacks Tagged apple, cgimage, discovery, frame buffer, mac, mac se, macintosh, OsX, se, srm32f4discovery, usb The demo video below was captured using this technique. The OSX computer then displays that data in a window using CGImage. When the board receives the request, it sends its local frame buffer data over the USB connection and back to the host. The OSX computer runs a simple app that can make a request to the discovery board via USB. If it does, then the discovery board writes a copy of the data to a local buffer. The discovery board reads the address and verifies that it falls within the range of the video frame buffer. It then waits for /AS to go low, which indicates that an address is on the bus. When it sees that the R/W pin goes low, it knows that a write is occurring. The discovery board watches the SE for writes to video memory. The discovery board acts as a USB COM port on a newer Mac OSX computer. The discovery board was then hooked up to the SE’s processor direct slot (PDS) using normal jumper wires. He ended up working out a pretty clever solution using a stm32f4discovery board.įirst, the SE’s logic board was removed from its case and placed onto a desk for easier access. He was looking for a way to view the video output from the SE on a newer, modern computer. Posted in computer hacks, Slider Tagged apple, Apple IIGS, IIgs, System 6.0.1 With a hope for even more bug fixes in a possible 6.0.3 revision its good to see people still giving the old Apple II line some love, as the old Apples don’t have as large of a following as their Atari and Commodore brethren. Updates include a driver for the unreleased Apple II Ethernet card, fixes various bugs in the file system translation system, various bugfixes to existing system programs, fast drawing and animation tools, and of course an update to the finder to show the new revision number. Last Sunday, a post popped up on, announcing Apple IIgs System 6.0.2. While it worked well for the early 90s, it was by no means perfect.

arduino emulator mac tft arduino emulator mac tft

The Apple IIGS is the 16 bit upgrade to the popular 8 bit Apple II computer line, and with its massive boost in graphics, an Ensoniq sound system, and backwards compatibility with the 8 bit machines makes this box desirable to many retro enthusiast. The last OS update, 6.0.1, was released over 22 years ago.

Arduino emulator mac tft